[steel shapes] 14.1 contains the latest (v14.1 & v14.1-SI) American Institute of Steel Constructions Structural Steel Databases in a fast, easy to use interface.
Every single structural shape property contained in the AISC database is present here. This includes geometrical and mechanical properties, design AND detailing values, CONVERSION with a single touch of a button between imperial / metric & sections equivalent designation in the metric system (for libraries 13.1.1 and newer) & beam gages.
Properties can be displayed in either the original English units or converted to metric with the click of a button.
Beam gage information for W, M, S, HP, C, MC, WT, MT &ST sections with flange width > 4"
Sort sections within a library given a specific property.
[steel shapes] 14.1 also lets you find a section with a quick search function, where, for example, "W16 x 89", "W16x89" or simply "W1689" will locate the same section or its closest approximation.
Quickly find the Metric or Imperial equivalent designation of a section. Containing close to 2000 shapes!
** [steel hd] universal steel reference tool for ipad, containing AISC, CISC and UK data in an easier to use format!
** [steel] canada: steel reference tool for iphone / ipod touch containing CISC Data.
** [steel] uk: as before, but with the most common steel sections used in the United Kingdom
** Metals and Materials Weight Calculator: an easy to use weight and basic properties calculator for metals, plastics or other materials.
** The META Calculator: an advanced, flexible and complete real time calculator for most common sections used in engineering / architecture / construction. 23 output parameters (Weight, Surface Area, Inertias, etc) for 21 common sections (L, Channels, I beams)
** GaugeFinder: a database of the most common gauge sizes standards used worldwide.
visit us at: www.TheMobileEngineer.com